A production equation referring to labor (represented by the icon of a bicep) appears on each production dialog, and on some of the other building screens as well. The workers displayed on the left border of the screen supply the labor for these centers.
An untrained worker (gray smock) supplies one point of labor per turn. Trained workers (light blue smock) supply more labor (two per turn); expert workers (dark blue smock) supply the most (four per turn).
By training a worker in the Trade School--the dark red building to the left of the screen-- you increase the amount of labor he provides each turn. He won't be able to work during the turn he is trained. Training costs paper and money.
You control migration to your industries through the capitol building in the middle of the screen. New untrained migrants come from the rural districts of your empire in response to your expenditure of food and consumer goods. Be careful not to increase your population faster than your food supplies warrant.